Lost & Found-- Check For Classmates Here!
Here's the updated list as of 6/3/05 (missing updated 6/6/05)
Please take a moment to make sure you are on the right list--then look for friends and acquaintances. If you have ANY information (or corrections), please email to: Dave Schuss at dcschuss@hotmail.com
Please take a moment to make sure you are on the right list--then look for friends and acquaintances. If you have ANY information (or corrections), please email to: Dave Schuss at dcschuss@hotmail.com
Last First Married
Aarons Kim Glantz
Abbate John
Alba William
Alba Barbara
Albright Grant
Allergro Cathy Allegro-Portner
Austen Billy
Avallone Tom
Avignone Suzette Davalos
Bade Steven
Baker Ronald
Becker Cara Lichtenstrin
Bernhard Michael
Berstein Susan Kohn
Bocchiaro Joanne
Bodkin William
Brackett Paul
Briggs Ellen Briggs-Kennedy
Brown Ken
Buckler Jamie
Burkhard Karen Barnes
Buzanga Nancy Austen
Calandra Tim
Callan Patricia
Capuano Susan Capuano
Capurro Edward
Cardillo John
Carroll William
Carrozza Valerie Caffrey
Casciotta Anthony
Casson Tom
Chanda Laureen Sinacore
Chapman Dianne Marsh
Church Carol D'Angelo
Clancy Jennifer Williamson
Cohen Marla Jacobs
Colondona Tina Morici
Colucci Michael ~
Conte Michael
Conti Donna Morrow
Crimi Stephen
Crowe Andrea
Curtis Larry
Daly Thomas
Davidowitz Robert
Davis Marla Katz
Davis Donald
DeGore Linda Adams
D'elia John
Demos Christine Zay
Di Gregorio Frank
Ebel Claudia Casson
Erber Cheryl Vicenti
Exelbert Laura Kenney
Fanara Christine Tricola
Fazzare Raymond
Fink David ~
Flynn Walter
Foley Edward (Chip)
Foley Lisa Blum
Fontana Linda Pratt
Gaidon Donna Lake
Grossberg Bruce
Gubelman Steven
Guido Joseph
Harrigan Catherine Harrigan
Haskell Kathleen Terrillion
Herman Linda
Higgins Carol Mannino
Hillowe Scott ~
Hirsh Henry Stephen Hirsh
Hoffman Martin
Hoffman Paul James
Honig Randi
Illicete Mari Jackson
Iovino Anthony
Ippoliti Linda Rinder
Jewel Brema Vultaggio
Johnson Judy Stevens
Kaan Kenneth
Kagan Beth Lashley
Kaplan Lee
Kapler Matthew
Karpf Lynn Zawie
Kase Jennifer Kazcor
Kazeman Barbara Sciacca
Kelly Barbara Cutrone
Kenyon Stephanie Kenyon
Kirby Maureen Beers
Klein Michelle Marshall
Kleinman Michelle Reiff
Koetzner Mark
Kopack Cynthia Bradley
Kornabrens Jane
Kostyrka Jayne Gubelman
Kozinn Dale Gliklich
Kriegal Guy
Krueger Jack ~
Kuliogwski Frances Malone
Labella Nancy Tobin
Lambercht Anne Cafero
Leheny Brian
Levitt Mark
Levy Karen Heron
Liston Victoria Woods
Locke Lori
Lowman Linda Koontz
Lukin Teri Lukin
Magee PJ
Maisch Karen Barrett
Mannino Michael
Marino Jo-Anne
Martens Kevin D.
Matros Frederick
Mazer Russell
McCormack Maryellen Lamberti
McDonough Stephen
McElroy Kathleen McElroy
McGuigan Christopher
McNicholas John
McPartland Nancy Petrie
McPherson Thomas
Mermelstein Brian
Messano Laura
Mignone Joanne Higgins
Miles Kevin D.
Miller Ronna Sanchez
Moje Lynn Boss
Moran Margaret
Morano Angela Iovino
Moss Michael
Mousseau Joanne Dorfman
Moyik Ellen Mottola
Nachmias Stacy Gole
Nadler Jacqueline Samet
Neustadter Judy Naone
Newcomb Philip
Newman Bonnie Napora
Nurik Scott
O'Brien William
O'Conner Mary Jane
Orr Richard
Orsini Doreen Ciappa
Pagano John
Palladino Frank
Palma Corinne
Patti Lark Logan
Peterson Jimmy
Pianese Joseph
Pierzga Thomas
Pinzer Terry Hochler
Piperno Gregg
Pudalov Scott
Pufahl Deborah Rodolfy
Rath Lawrence
Reda Joanne Wallace
Rice Dorothy Rice
Rich Kim Chamberlain
Rizzo Steve
Romano Shari Schibert
Romas Paul
Roocke Vonabell Sherman
Rosenthal Hopelynn Fine
Rosenthal Richard ~
Rubin Renee Sumperl
Ruppel Patrice Loeven
Sabesan Peter ~
Sakraida Vincent
Salamack Susan
Salinaro Steven
Salovin Larry
Scalice Anthony ~
Schildt Michael
Schmeiser Regina Bruno
Schuss David
Scinta Joyce Osman
Scudera Peter
Shannon Patricia Davis
Shapiro Edward
Siderine Mary Palladino
Silverman Barry
Simowitz Mark
Sinacore Stephen
Slaughter Elizabeth Bostic
Smith Carolyn Barnes
St. Marie William
Steckel Rebecca
Stern David
Strick Timothy ~
Studley Ronald
Sullivan Brien
Surlis Eileen Druga
Swearingen Beth Jala
Tesone Christine Regan
Tessitore Theresa Conti
Theobald Robert
Thompson Laura
Trapanese Joseph
Vaught Kim Burke
Vignati Steve
Vitrano Anthony ~
Walsh Harry
Warner Shari Rosenberg
Weissman Lee
White John
Wichter Kevin
Winnick Roberta Winnick
Young Bettina Foody
Zagaja Chris
Ziskin Ian
Zulauf Frank
Still Missing
Last First Married
Abrams Stuart
Adrian Georgine Olsen
Ahlert Peggy
Ales Jayne
Alleva Kathleen
Alperton Jean
Alter Mark
Amy Sue Kelly
Anderson Gail
Angel Astrid
Angiulo Tony
Anzalone Keith
Arnsperger Robin
Artura Deborah
Azzaro Mark
Baldatti Claudia
Banks Richard
Barbanel Karen Estis
Barkin Richard
Barkovich Mary
Barret Wayne
Bartsch Cathy Bartsch
Bauer Barbara
Begley Martin
Beierle Madeline
Bergmann Peter
Berman Michael (Jeff)
Berton Denise
Bevilacqua Claudine
Bilello Nancy
Birch Timothy
Birkahn Lois Vanderborg
Blackburn Eileen McGarity
Bodine Barbara
Borman Mary Beth
Brancato David
Brandenburg Edward
Bremer Lawerance
Bressler William
Brown Jane
Brown Robert
Buckler Gary
Buttner Patrick
Cardone William
Cardone Veronica Dascole
Carlson Roy
Carroll Bernadette
Carroll Mike
Carson Mary
Carter Bob
Castelli Joseph
Catapano Glenn
Catapano Scott
Cauley Neil
Chao David
Chovnick Vicki Linefsky
Cleary Cheryl
Cohen Lance
Cohen Michael
Cohen Jeffrey
Compagnino Maria
Condon Daniel
Conlon Nancy
Connors Brian
Conti Joseph
Cox Kathleen Ebel
Crawford Edward
Cristiano Cindy Walsh
Crosley Jerry
Crowley Linda
Cullen Leonore
Cunningham Stephen
Cusumano Barbara
D'Angelo Catherine D'Angelo
Davis Thomas
Davison Denise
DeCaprio Lori
DeChirico Gregg
Decker Pat Patterson
Deluna Joseph
DeMott Ray
Dossiano Carl
Douglas Kevin
Dowd Matthew
Driesen Jill Cohen
Dunn Joan
Dwyer Cheryl
Ebert Cheryl-Anne
Eckstein David
Edelbach Donald
Edelberg Gigi Anber
Ellerman Robert
Ellert Joanne
Englert Jeanne Hummel
Epp Christina
Esposito Steven
Fairchild Neal
Farrell Joseph
Farrell Dawn
Fatowe Jan
Feldeisen Susan
Feleccia Anthony
Fells Beth
Ferrara Debbie
Ferrara Robert
Ferretti John
Fields Karen Overin
Finkelstein Donna
Finucane Charlie
Fisher Denise
Fitzpatrick Eileen
Flaherty Lorraine
Flanagan Edward
Fleischner Richard
Forte Deborah
Fowler Donald
Franzese Linda Lazio
Freer Luanne
Frey Daniel
Frost Lawrence
Fuchs Steven
Furstman Diane
Galloway Brooke Ducey
Gange Robert
Gange Mark
Ganshaw Christopher
Gay Brian
Genna Anthony
Gianfagna Donna
Gibbons Dolores Holland
Gillan Robert
Gilreath Scott
Giuffrida Peter
Glaser David
Glass Douglas
Glass Gregory
Gleason Kathleen Rupp
Goldberg Jody
Goldberg Julie Simon
Goldschmidt Debbie Farber
Goldsmith David
Goldsmith Jerry
Goldstein Jerome
Goodman Marshall
Gray Carol Ann
Graziano Kathy Madsen
Greaves Anne
Green Catherine Snyder
Greene Terry Ann
Greenfield Carolyn Nelson
Grey Mary Oberle
Griffith Laura-lee
Grillo James
grossman Ellen
Guercio Carol Traver
Guerriere David
Gunst Scott
Halprin Guy
Hand Patricia Scarfone
Hare Robert
Harris Nancy
Harsch Donna Harsch
Heckler Jill
Hegarty Barbara
Hendrickson Margaret Samartano
Hickey Patricia
Holleman Kenny
Hopkins Sean
Huttick Kernan
Jablonski Sue Deflorio
Jacobs Lani Martin
Johnson Jane
Johnson Thoman
Jones Michael
Kane Dave
Kasten Karen Krietzberg
Kealey Patricia Bohmaker
Keckejian Alan
Keenen Theodore
Keller Alice Archibeque
Kelmenson Carolyn
Kennedy Dale
Killeen Kevin
King Lynn
Kirschner Roger
Kittelson Lloyd
Klein Russell
Kmetz Michael
Koenig Susan
Komornik William
Kong JoAnne Kong
Koorey Thomas
Kopelman Ellen
Kosson Rosanne
Kraus Anna Maria Grahn
Krieger Diane Krieger
Kumm Arthur
Kurzawski Janet Damiano
Laderman Lou-Ann
Lancelot Diane
Lane Anne
Larcom Arthur
Latini Mike
Lauritano Maria
Lemos Paul
Lenrow Mitchel
Lenrow Monica
Leo Barbara Horan
Leogrande Ida Leone
Levins Amy Bloom
Levins Beth
Lindner Paul
Lindsay Chris
Lloyd Patricia
lockman Jonathan
Lombardo Amy
Lombardo June
Lombardo Vito
Lucatuorto Leonard
Ludwig Elizabeth
Maca Robert
MacDonald Susan Sumner
Maglione Debbie
Mahon Brian
Mallon William
MaMchom Patricia
Marchese Eugene
Marchiony Kathleen Marchiony
Marino Michael ~
Marks Heidi
Marshall Ellen Marshall
Martignoni Ava
Mascara Terrence
Masone Jeanne
Masone Maria
Massaro Scott
Massone Karen
Materdomini Frank
Maugeri Beatrice
Mazzara Sal
McCormack James
McCue Kevin
McDonough Maira
McElroy Michaela Beitzel
McEvoy Patri9ck
McGillicuddy Patricia
McGowan Marcy McGowan
McGuigan Anthony
McMahon Kathy
McMann Karen
McMannis Mike
McMullen Linda
McPhee Laurel
Meehan Michael
Mehringer Elizabeth Novellano
Meissner Patricia
Melesh Charles
Mellinger Richard
Mener Robert
Menist Robert
Meola Lisa
Mercurio Kathi
Meyer Eileen
Miceli Gina
Micol Richard
Migdol Bonnie
Miller Christopher
Miller John A.
Miller John P.
Minogue Donna
Minutillo Anntette
Mish Rhonda Levine
Modin Edward
Mogavero James
Moran Craig
Motis Joseph
Motley Richard
Mukamal Beth
Mukamal Caryl
Murphy Beth
Murphy David
Murphy Kim Murphy
Needleman Stuart
Nelson Elizabeth Brown
Neziroglu Tijen Eron
Nigro Donna
Nolan Jonathan
O'Connell Daniel
Olivieri Robert
O'Shaughnessy John
Pacifico Ann
Pack Susan
Paige Wynette Verity
Paladino Debbie Paladino
Palagye Joanne Anita Vaughn
Paleschuck Jane
Patafio Lucy Melia
Patterson Karen
Patterson Kevin D.
Pearson Kevin
Peckler Seth
Pecorino Gary
Pellecchia Russell
Penney John
Perna Michael
Perry Bradley
Perullo Marilyn Perullo
Peterson Nancy Kautz
Peterson Robert
Petrie Beth
Pfaff Elizabeth
Piazza Christine
Piccininni PAtricia
Pidany George
Pipitone Paula
Pirozzi Leo
Piscopo Cindy
Rachlin Kevin
Raynor Scott
Reed Michael
Reese Gary
Reese David
Regruto Steven
Reilly Peter
Reith Patricia
Rennert Scott
Renzulli Diane
Reuter Christine North
Rexroat Margie
Rich Warren
Robinson Scott
Robson Pamela
Roman Barbara
Rosenberg Patricia
Rosenberg Susan
Ross Alan
Rudolph Susan Gross
Ryeberg Jane
Sabella Debbie Bristel
Sacconi Cecilia
Saltz Ira
Sant Angelo Debi
Santamauro Melinda
Scalsa Pauline Kinsella
Schaeffler Fred
Schaeffler Kim
Schnars Kathy
Schneider Ellen
Schneider Janet Finke
Schroeder Karen
Schroeder Laura
Schulman Alan
Schwartz Daniel
Schwartz William
Sciacca Marisa
seidman Paula
Sella Eric
Seyfried Tom
Shea Janet Roselle
Shemet Mark
Ships Laurie
Short Edward
Sider Richard
Siegel Wayne
Smith Charles
Smith Greg
Smith Michelle Spataro
Smith Rochelle Horadam
Smoller Tammi
Sottile Benjamin
Speedling Donald
Spill Jules
Spoust Deborah Soccoa
Stander Doug
Stanton Joan
Starr Robert
Steinberg Lisa
Steinberg Leslie
Steinitz Susan Walters
Sternfels David
Sullivan Steve
Sullivan Vera
Sullivan Nancy Smith
Taubman Donna Morelli
Taylor Robert
Thompson Kim Marie
Tobia Lorraine Rando
Tombuloglu Feliz
Trener John
Trrrini Celeste
Tyrrell Kevin
Valenza Michael
Van Houten William
Van Ravenstein Desiree
Van Valen Lois Riccobono
Vardy Richard
Vasle Victor
Verderber John
Vivian Patricia
Volz Phyllis
Vought Cindy
Waldmann Anne marie
Walsh Donna
Walsh Bryan
Walters Robert
Weber Todd
Weinstock Janet
Weiss Lorraine
Wetterer Gary
Weyant Jim
White Marilyn
Widrich Diane
Wiegmann Diane
Wilson Robert
Wind Leslie
Wiszowaty Arlene
Witte Marilyn
Woodard Gerard
Workman Andrew
Yunker Randolph
Zabel Lauren
Zachary Anton
Zachman Charles
Zeiderman Randi
Ziegler John
Carl Cramer and Mary Moreno passed away before our tenth reunion. Where is Terry Pinzur's name? She was one of my good friends at MHS. She's on neither list. Thanks for taking this whole thing on, David!
Ellen-- Re: Carl & Mary--I know Dave has them as passed on his list--we're going to set up a special section with those who have gone. As for Teri, I know Dave is going to update his list periodically, & I'll update the posts.
If you have any info on any of the missing, let Dave know--and it will help if you let others know about the site, as well.
I plan on "leaking" new photos and features on from time to time, to keep up interest-- and Dave can use this as a way of keeping everybody up to date.
Hope all is well,
Amy Levins is now Amy Levins Bloom and lives in Davies, Fl
Elizabeth Ludwig lives somewhere on LI, i think fort salonga.
What a fun idea to have this website! I'm looking forward to catching up with old friends! I know I can get some contact info on some of the missing people and I will forward onto David.
Thank god we have 13 months to lose some weight before the reunion eh??
you have PJ Magee in the located section and Peter Magee in the still missing section. They are one and the same.
A Red Mind in a Red State
Randi-- losing the weight is one thing-- how do I re-grow hair????
Hi Ellen, Karen and Lynn!
Tony, don't worry about regrowing your hair - Bald is very in now! Just don't do that comb over thing and you'll look just as handsome as always!
Terri, how are you? You must be the mother of college kids now, huh? I'm doing great - very happy, living in Manhattan with the love of my life (yes, I finally found my prince after wandering aimlessly in the desert for 40 years). I still see Lee and Matthew and Lori Loche from time to time. Write me at Randi.Honig@apollotheater.com and fill me in on you!!
Hi Karen,
I would never move to Florida! I am such a city girl ...plus I don't drive (if anyone out there remembers me from driver's ed class, that will come of no surprise).
Next time I'm out visiting Lee/Lori, I'll have Lori give you a call and see if you can join us!
Be well,
I don't see my name on either of the lists either! I do still exist...here in Charlottesville VA. I guess I'll have to Email Dave with my info. Just had a really Wonderfull weekend with some of "the old gang" -some of whom we hadn't seen for 30 years! I can't tell you how fantastic it was! Just an "appetizer" to make us really look forward to doing it again with a much bigger group at the reunion! Dorothy Hawkins Trotta
Nassau County District Attorney Denis Dillon announced today that a Massapequa man, arrested in July for possession of child pornography, has been indicted on 12 counts of Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child, a Class E Felony punishable by up to 4 years in prison.
Kenneth Holleman, 44, of Primrose Lane, Massapequa, had been charged in July with 3 counts of Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child. Following the recovery of additional evidence in his Massapequa home at the time of his Suffolk County arrest, 9 additional counts were presented to the Grand Jury, resulting in his indictment on a total of 12 counts of Possessing a Sexual Performance by a Child. He was arraigned on January 13 before Nassau County Court Judge Jerald S. Carter.
Initially remanded without bail following his July arrest, Holleman appealed and was subsequently released on $500,000 bail. However, following his December 3 arrest in Suffolk County, he has again been ordered remanded without bail in Nassau County, at the District Attorney’s request. His next court appearance in Nassau County will be January 28 in County Court.
I just found the site. I'm alive and well in Houston, Tx. When is the party
--Cheryl Cleary
cheryl_cleary@hchd.tmc.edu, clcleary2@netscape.net
Patricia Ann Kealey Bohmaker is currently teaching advanced placement English literature at a Phoenix high school. She is working on her second master’s degree to become an administrator. She credits the excellent education she received at Oneonta; the professors, especially Dr. Devlin, inspired her love for literature and teaching. Someday, she hopes to return to Oneonta to teach a college literature course. Pat misses her friends Joan Calimano ’79, Tala Galinsky, and Eileen Fogerty ’79. She can be reached at patboh5@cox.net.
This comment has been removed by the author.
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